Tips for Unclogging Garbage Disposal

One of the best home innovations today is the garbage disposal. It makes draining food and other wastes in your kitchen sink easier by shredding it to smaller pieces.

However, this doesn’t mean that you won’t have to do anything to keep it running. A disposal wouldn’t have any issues in grinding most of the food wastes. But, what happens after that could create some issues.

Common clogged drain problems

There are some problems that can clog your garbage disposal. Shredded pieces can actually jam up and bind the blades. Drain fittings could also become loose and leak. Sometimes, the drain itself could also get clogged.

Causes of garbage disposal clog

In order to learn how to address a clogged garbage disposal problem, it is best to be able to identify its root causes. A garbage disposal does not easily clog. But if it does, it would likely be due to the following causes:

• Flushing water is lacking- you sometimes fail to pour enough water when the disposal is grinding. This would certainly cause a clog as without enough water, the waste cannot be completely flushed down the pipes. Over time, this would build up and eventually cause the drain to clog.

• Grinding materials that create powdery or granular waste- some food wastes like egg shells or coffee grounds can actually create granular waste that could stick to the pipes. When this builds up, it would also result to a clog.

• Grinding starchy or sticky food wastes- garbage disposals would also have problems when you grind wastes like banana or potato peels. When ground, these wastes could create a sticky paste that could get stuck in the grinder’s blades. They could also build up and clog the drains.

How to unclog your garbage disposal

It can be really annoying to have a clogged garbage disposal. When this happens, it is best to address the issue as quickly as possible. You don’t necessarily have to call a plumber.

If you still have the user’s manual for your garbage disposal system, it would likely have instructions on how you will be able to unclog it. Some garbage disposals may have unique features, so it is best to consult the manual first. Otherwise, you can follow these simple steps to unclog your garbage disposal:

Step 1: Turn off the electrical power switch.

Locate the switch for your garbage disposal. Turn it off and unplug it as a safety precaution before you proceed to unclog it.

Step 2: Check the disposal.

Physically checking to see what causes the clog is necessary in order to properly address the issue. You might need to use a flashlight for this.

Step 3: Clean and remove the clogs.

When you already see the main cause of the issue, then you can clean it up and remove any objects that are causing the clog. You can manually remove the wastes by hand or with a washcloth.

Step 4: Turn on and reset the disposal.

After making sure that you remove all clogs, you can plug the disposal back in and press the reset button or start it.

If there are no other issues, these steps could get your garbage disposal running smoothly again. Otherwise, you can call customer support or a trusted plumber.

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Signs Your Water Softener Needs Repair

Hard water, in general, may be safe. But, it can have a harmful effect on your appliances and plumbing. If you have hard water in your area, a water softener can be very helpful. Similar to most other home appliances, your water softener is also prone to the effects of normal wear and tear. Thus, it is important to be aware of the signs that your unit needs replacement or repairs.

When Your Water Softener Needs Attention

Following are tell-tale signs that your water softener requires immediate attention:

•   Soap Doesn’t Lather Easily – When using hard water, it is difficult to lather soap. Things get worse when your water softener isn’t functioning well. Soap becomes more difficult to lather while taking a shower. Your shampoo and soap consumption may be higher than usual as well. This is because you will need a lot more soap to get the amount of lather your need. Once you start noticing the problem, consider having your water softener unit replaced or fixed right away.

•   Scale Build-up – Scale is the chalky mineral deposit that forms inside your pipes. If you see a chalk-like substance sticking to your dishes, appliances, or faucets, you may have hard water. Your water softener may then need repairs or replacement. Neglecting the problem will only make matters worse, and you may end up facing a bigger and more expensive problem in the future. 

•   Dry Hair and Skin – If you feel unusually dry or itchy hair and skin, it may be due to hard water. The mineral deposits that accumulate in hard water can cause your skin and hair to dry out. If you have existing conditions, hard water can make them worse. This is why you should have your water softener inspected and serviced by a professional like Spartan Plumbing right away. 

•   Scratchy and Faded Laundry – Hard water can result to your laundry appearing faded and gray. It can also make your bedding and clothes feel scratchy. To prevent the problem, you must make sure that your water softening equipment is always functioning well.

As soon as you notice indications of hard water in your household, you should contact Spartan Plumbing right away. Their experienced technicians will make sure that your water supply flows smoothly at all times.

Tips to Proper Water Softener Maintenance

Annual inspection of your water softener by a water treatment expert will go a long way in making sure that it is always working properly. The professional will check if the valve is functioning wall, every setting is optimized. A water test will also be done to make sure that the system properly treats the water in your household.

There are times when you may need the services of a professional, aside from the annual maintenance call. For one, your water softener is prone to wear and tear, just like other appliances in your home. If you suspect hard water but are not sure if the water softener is working properly or not, then it may be time to call Spartan Plumbing for professional help. This way, proper analysis of the situation can be done.

Weighing the Cost of Repairs vs. Total Replacement

If your water softener starts to need frequent repairs, you may be able to save money over the long term by buying a replacement. The cost of the parts and labor add up over time. In addition, the downtime resulting from the frequent malfunctions causes a lot of inconvenience.

Weigh the cost of the frequent repairs against the cost of an upgrade. Getting a replacement may be more the more practical option, although it may require a bigger initial investment.

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Understanding Water Damage and Its Effects

Among the problems that home and property owners fear the most is water damage, and this is for good reason. It is not only costly to fix. It also exposes your entire household to health hazards. The risk of water damage heightens every time there is a heavy downpour, or when snow melts fast.

Effects of Water Damage

Excessive water can trigger significant losses to homes and properties. These damages can easily amount to thousands of dollars. Water can affect electronic devices, upholstery, wood furniture, plumbing equipment, and various home appliances.

In many cases, water-damaged furniture, fixtures, and appliances are left beyond repair. You may be forced to discard these items and replace them with new ones when your home is flooded.

Water damage likewise escalates the risk of mold infestation. When it happens, it can be very expensive to remediate. Mold also poses grave health hazards.

Addressing the Effects of Water Damage

When your home suffers from water damage, immediate cleanup is a must. While you can do the cleanup on your own, getting the services of water damage restoration specialists can make the entire cleanup process more manageable and faster.

These companies are manned by experienced staff who are trained on the best techniques in handling damaged items. They also provide assistance in the cleanup process.

By initiating water damage cleanup at the soonest time possible, you increase the chances of saving your water-soaked rugs, carpets, clothing, furniture, and other household items.

Water Damage Health Hazards

As mentioned, immediate cleanup is necessary after sustaining water damage. This will help lessen the health hazards posed by water damage to members of your household.

Moisture allows mold and other organisms to thrive. Exposure to mold may worsen asthma symptoms and allergies. This is particularly true for kids as well as for people with weak immune system. Respiratory ailments and other medical conditions may also result from mold infestation.

Causes of Water Damage

Numerous causes may be responsible for water damage. These include clogged toilets, leaky dishwashers, broken dishwasher hoses, broken pipes, leaky roofs, plumbing leaks, foundation cracks, and overflowing washing machines.
Floods, heavy rains, and snow also contribute to water damage as they can cause flooding in your basement.

Categories of Water Damage

Assessment of the extent of the damage is crucial to determine the right steps for water removal and damage repair. Water damage falls under two main categories. These are:

•   Category 1 – This category pertains to clean water that doesn’t pose dangers to human health. Possible Category 1 causes include sink overflows or broken plumbing appliances.

•   Category 2 – Also referred to as gray water, Category 2 water damage involves contaminated water that may cause illness if ingested. Gray water contains microorganisms like bacteria. Possible causes include standing water contamination, and sewage problems.

Water damage should never be taken lightly. Once it happens, immediate cleanup must be done. This will help minimize the risk of mold infestation and various health hazards. You may need the help of water damage remediation companies, depending on the extent of the damage to your home.

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Steps to Weatherproof Your Home

As a homeowner, making sure that your abode is properly weatherproofed should be among your top priorities. Failing to prevent outside conditions (like temperature and humidity) from affecting your life indoors, could lead to a very uncomfortable stay. Aside from that, your HVAC system won’t be running as efficiently and so, you’ll end up with bigger energy expenses.

Fortunately, weatherproofing isn’t the hardest thing to do. In fact, you only need to follow these simple steps:

  • Check (and Repair) Your Windows

Windows, especially storm windows, prevent outside air from getting into your home. However, they can only do that if they’re properly installed and sealed. Check for cracks and gaps that may need quick repairs. Also, find out whether caulking is needed, as is usually the case with older windows. 

  • Look for Spaces Under Your Doors

Air may also get in through your doors, particularly through the bottom gap. To solve this, you have to install a door draft stopper. Most stores selling home improvement supplies offer a vast selection of door draft stoppers. However, you could always make your own (you’ll essentially be stitching together a small elongated pillow).

  • Consider Purchasing New Curtains

Although curtains are often evaluated based on their design and ability to block direct sunlight, there are actually curtains specifically made to offer the best weatherproofing possible. If it’s time to replace some of your curtains, consider investing in those that offer thermal insulation. Just to be sure, look for ones that undergo laboratory testing.

  • Upgrade Your Heater’s Insulation

Even something as sturdy looking as the water heater is susceptible to the effects of external temperatures, lowering its efficiency and reliability (in terms of maintaining the right temperature). If you’re having problems with heat loss, you should get a water heater blanket. Most blankets are DIY-friendly and thus, are easy enough to set up. 

  • Get New Insulation for Your Attic

Check your attic insulation and consider replacing it if it’s already worn. Despite this being one of the most expensive steps in weatherproofing, it will yield the most noticeable results. Improper attic insulation allows heat inside your home to escape towards the external environment, in turn adding burden to your heating system.

  • Change the Paint of Your Abode

Paint isn’t just a way of adding color to a house. It’s among the key defenses against extreme heat (including UV rays) and cold. So, if you painted your home without putting much thought on which paint formulation is best given the climate, it might be necessary to repeat the entire process.

  • Check Your Fireplace’s Opening

Although it does add warmth, the fireplace can also allow heat to escape. Keep the flue closed whenever the fireplace isn’t in use. If you have the budget, you could even have a balloon installed. This contraption inflates whenever there’s no fire, and deflates when smoke needs to exit the chimney.

A Most Important Endeavor

Remember that weatherproofing your home makes things more comfortable, all while allowing you to save more on your utility bills. If you haven’t given it much thought it the past, maybe it’s time to take things seriously.

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Finding New Space in Your Home

Families grow. Over the years, we accumulate stuff like furniture, appliances, and shelving, plus boxes of sentimental items that we just can’t bear to part with. At some point, it feels like there’s no more space for all of our things. But don’t fret. A lack of space can be easily solved with a few efficient upgrades.

Neil Kelly specializes in remodeling craftsman-style homes, adding built-ins, and closet additions

Opening Up the Kitchen

Sometimes, it’s not how big a space actually is, but how big it feels that makes a difference. For example, partial wall removals can really open up a space without the need for major structural changes.

“If you have a wall dropped to waist level, it opens up visual lines in the space and helps it feel much bigger,” says Neil Kelly Design Consultant Magda Zafer.

Placement is also important. In an open-plan kitchen, refrigerators, ovens and other tall appliances can be placed on a back wall, somewhere where they are not interrupting the flow of cabinets. “That can really help the room feel more spacious as well,” says Zafer. Additionally, using lighter colors, natural light and mirrors can provide the illusion of more space in the kitchen — or in any room, for that matter.

Above: Floating shelves add storage to areas such as open walls and corners.

Making Dead Spaces Come Alive

Zafer recently helped a client find more room in her home by converting unused space under a set of stairs. “We put in a powder room. It added value and functionality to the house.”

Sure, there were code requirements, like clearance in front of the toilet or necessary headroom. “It was kind of like working with a puzzle — trying to fit all of these elements while making sure the room was up to code,” says Zafer.

Alternatively, that unused space under your stairs could be turned into valuable storage. “This kind of concealed storage is perfect for things like luggage that are typically huge space wasters,” Zafer adds.

Above: Inserts like this cabinet pull out maximize storage and make it easier to reach items inside.

Create More Space for Storage

In addition to hidden nooks for storage, you can create more storage space with niches and floating shelves. When designing for more space and storage, always make sure that everything has its place. It’s much more likely the space is going to be kept tidy and organized if you have a solid idea of where things belong.

The easiest way to know where things belong is to make a list. Whether you’re adding shelving to the bathroom or the kitchen, address what will go where ahead of time. That way, when the project is finally complete, your space will feel more organized and visually uncluttered.